Eight schools have competed annually for the Volleyball Premiership since 1994. Fixture times and courts confirmed 48 hours prior to each round. Please check back to ensure of any changes. Results are preliminary until 10am on the Monday following the weekend matches.
Peter Donaldson Memorial Trophy GPS Volleyball Championships

The Peter Donaldson Memorial Trophy is named after a remarkable man, who made a difference in the lives of young men through his involvement in Brisbane Boys’ College and GPS Sport.
On Saturday evening, February 25 2006, Peter Donaldson – teacher, sportsman, and administrator – died from a massive stroke. The BBC community confronted the heartfelt reality of losing a colleague, a friend and a very special man. His life’s story may have been shortened and destined to be told prematurely, but by no means will this detract from his mark as “a real gentleman.”
As the new appointee to the position of Director of Cricket in 1998, Peter steadily and unassumingly began his involvement with BBC. Within four short years Peter was appointed to the position of Director of Sport – a true reflection of his character and his meticulous attention to detail. For those who knew Peter, the job title did not restrict Peter’s involvement across the college. His influence was evident in all aspects of the boys’ education and co-curricular activity. Peter’s commitment to the work of the GPS Sport Masters’ Executive was outstanding. His work in our Association showed the same meticulous attention to detail that was his trademark at BBC. He was Chair of the GPS Swimming and Volleyball Sub Committees where his wisdom and guidance endeared him to his fellow professionals.
In the words of the then BBC Chaplain Mr Graham Cole, “What set Peter Donaldson apart was not so much him being thorough or those spot words at assembly or a wonderful sense of humour – it was the priority he gave to relationships with us. Relationships full of dignity fairness and loyalty.”
Peter Donaldson will surely be missed by all of us but by naming the GPS Premiership Volleyball Trophy after him we can ensure that the legacy of Peter’s involvement at BBC and in GPS Sport will never be forgotten.
(D.Johnstone – July 2008 *abridged 2018)